Start Messe Successful live communication projects honoured with the BrandEx Awards 2020

Successful live communication projects honoured with the BrandEx Awards 2020

BrandEx-2020-Wachenfeld_OW2_8576_webAwards ceremony held during the second International Festival of Brand Experience

The secrets of the last several weeks and months have been revealed. The BrandEx Awards were presented at the International Festival of Brand Experience in Dortmund on 14 January 2020. At a festive ceremony with more than 1.000 guests in attendance, fifty-one award winners shared their delight over their gold, silver and bronze trophies. The prizes are awarded for successful projects in experiential marketing, including marketing events, trade show stands and brand worlds.

In line with the theme ‘02 | Passion’, the international BrandEx Awards  honoured entries in the segments ‘Event’, ‘Architecture’, ‘Crossmedia’, ‘Planning, Craft, Production’ and ‘Fresh’. Next year another category will be added: ‘Formats’ will focus on innovative and creative event formats, which can include small, disruptive festivals as well as long-established trade fairs. The three awards will be presented for Best Trade Fair, Best Festival and Best New Format. The evaluation criteria include the concept, idea, implementation and sustainability.

The BrandEx creative competition for successful live communication was successfully premiered last year at the first International Festival of Brand Experience and received a record number of entries this year. The international jury evaluated 149 entries and awarded gold, silver and bronze trophies to the following projects and winners at the awards ceremony:


Best Stand S
Gold: OBI Wohnen & Interieur 2019, FRAMEWORK GmbH, OBI Germany
Silver: Porsche at Slush Conference 2018, tisch13 GmbH, Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG
Bronze: Gold Digger – The Klarx Club, Atelier Damböck Markenkommunikation GmbH, Klarx  GmbH

Best Stand M
Gold: WÜSTHOF at Ambiente 2019, Milla & Partner, WÜSTHOF GmbH
Silver: Bundesdruckerei HMI 2018 – Mit Sicherheit erfolgreich (successful in security), Studio Bachmannkern GmbH, Bundesdruckerei GmbH
Bronze: Unveil the Future, Cheil MDLab, Hyundai Mobis

Best Stand L
Gold: Hyundai – Design your own world, ATELIER BRÜCKNER GmbH, Hyundai Motor Company
Silver: ‘Let’s build the city of the future’ – Wicona at BAU 2019, Atelier Seitz GmbH, Hydro Building Systems Germany GmbH
Bronze: Colmo at the Appliance & Electronics World Expo, Uniplan GmbH & Co. KG, Shanghai Office, Colmo

Best Brand Architecture
Silver: Samsung City CES 2018, Cheil Germany GmbH, Samsung Electronics Ltd.
Bronze: SCHÜCO | Experience Progress at BAU 2019, Schüco International KG, Schüco International KG

Best Thematic Exhibition
Gold: Sounds of Silence, Idee und Klang Audio Design, Museum of Communication (Bern, Switzerland)
Silver: MoMö – Schweizer Mosterei- und Brennereimuseum (Swiss Cider-making and Distillery Museum), Aroma AG, Christoph Möhl
Bronze: Arabian Journeys, ATELIER BRÜCKNER GmbH, Saudi Aramco

Best Store Concept
Gold: kinder® Ice Cream Frozen Store, fischerAppelt, live marketing, Unilever Deutschland GmbH
Silver: Think at IBM Pop-up, George P. Johnson GmbH, IBM Deutschland GmbH
Bronze: Love Magenta, hartmannvonsiebenthal the brand experience company GmbH, Deutsche Telekom AG


Best Brand Activation
Gold: Samsung Windows Into The Future, Cheil Germany GmbH, Samsung Electronics Germany GmbH
Silver: got2b @GLOW – Festival Hub, STAGG & FRIENDS GMBH, Henkel AG & Co. KGaA
Bronze: Porsche Sound Night 2018, STAGG & FRIENDS GMBH, Porsche Museum and historical public relations work

Best Conference
Gold: RHIZOME – Connected Kitchen Conference, PLANWORX AG, BSH
Silver: I AM Digital Convention 2018, Nordisk Büro, DWS Group
Bronze: Porsche Holding Group Conference 2018,  KFP Five Star Conference Service GmbH, Porsche Holding Salzburg

Best Corporate Event
Gold: InvestmentAktuell 2019, DaS Le6en 2ählt, insglück Gesellschaft für Markeninszenierung mbH, Union Asset Management Holding AG
Silver: HCH. KÜNDIG & CIE. AG – ‘At the cutting edge’, Bright Entertainment AG, HCH. KÜNDIG & CIE. AG
Bronze: Audi Dealer Meeting Marbella 2019, SCHMIDHUBER Brand Experience GmbH, Audi AG

Best Live PR
Gold: BMW Vision, iNEXT World Flight, VOX DAMS Events & Live Marketing, BMW Group
Silver: kinder® Ice Cream Frozen Store, fischerAppelt, live marketing, Unilever Deutschland GmbH
Bronze: Worldpremiere Porsche 911 ‘timeless machine’, Pure Perfection GmbH, Porsche AG

Best Motivation / Best Employee Event
Gold: Mercedes-Benz Global Training Experience Dresden 2019, jn jangled nerves gmbh, Mercedes-Benz Global Training / Daimler AG
Silver: Employee Campaign – INTAX Racing Team 2018, POMMEREL Live-Marketing GmbH, INTAX Innovative Fahrzeuglösungen GmbH
Bronze: #erlebehoch20, Agentur Passepartout GmbH & Co. KG, Agentur Passepartout GmbH & Co. KG


Best Integrated Brand Campaign
Gold: Stadt der Städte (The City of Cities), TAS Emotional Marketing GmbH, Regionalverband Ruhr
Silver: 100% Digital – from net to store, Hoya Lens Germany GmbH, Hoya Lens Germany GmbH
Bronze: got2b @GLOW – Festival Hub, STAGG & FRIENDS GMBH, Henkel AG & Co. KGaA    

Best Interactive Installation
Gold: Samsung Windows Into The Future, Cheil Germany GmbH,  Samsung Electronics Germany GmbH
Silver: SAP Interactive Showcase ‘Augmented intelligence’ at the Hannover Messe 2019, MCI Deutschland GmbH, SAP Deutschland SE & Co. KG
Bronze: IBM Watson IoT Intelligent Building Installation, MONOMANGO GmbH, IBM Deutschland GmbH


Best Craft (Project Management, Set, Construction, Design, Venue, Technology/Media, Show)
Gold: IQOS World Revealed by Alex Chinneck at Milan Design Week 2019, satis&fy AG, Phillip Morris Germany
Silver: Constellations – a drone choreography pays poetic homage to Frankfurt am Main, Atelier Markgraph GmbH, Tourismus+Congress GmbH Frankfurt am Main
Bronze: Samsung Windows Into The Future, Cheil Germany GmbH, Samsung Electronics Germany GmbH

Best Catering
Gold: Brand messages good enough to eat – Catering SHIFT2019 by ottomisu, FR Event- und MesseCatering GmbH, ottomisu communication GmbH
Silver: Kirberg’s Corporate Food for Grand Hall Zollverein®, Kirberg GmbH, Grand Hall Zollverein GmbH
Bronze: 60 YEARS OF ALLGUTH By LPS Event Catering, LPS Event Catering, Allguth GmbH


Best Fresh Juniors
Gold: #FranceUnfiltered – all for the moment, Tian Lu, Uniplan GmbH & Co. KG
Silver: Whynotfrance – Wir räumen mit Klischees auf (we dispel the clichés), Sven Bergert, Lina Rotert, Sarah Maurer, Jaqueline Kroh, Helen Jahn, fischerAppelt, live marketing
Bronze: Baguette on Track, Karsten Göke, George P. Johnson GmbH

Best Fresh Students
Gold: #howtofrance, Domaris Kruse, Merve Karadeniz, lUBH International University of Applied Sciences
Silver: Bordeaux to Marseille / Road to Berlin, Leon Tallner, ISM Stuttgart
Bronze: France is an emotion, Carolina Beretta, Sabrina Kessel, CBS Cologne Business School

For more information, visit

Image rights: © BrandEx | Oliver Wachenfeld | the Image Report

International Festival of Brand Experience
With the International Festival of Brand Experience (BrandEx), the initiators BlachReport, Messe Dortmund, FAMAB and Studieninstitut für Kommunikation are creating an exclusive platform for event managers and creatives, PR and communication specialists, advertisers, marketeers, scholars, service providers and bright young talents from the trade fair industry, architecture and live communication – nationally and internationally. BrandEx consists of a congress plus the BrandEx Awards ceremony which recognises the year’s best projects in the areas of live marketing and brand architecture.

International Festival of Brand Experience
Contact: Katharina Rogge + Melina Volmar
Phone: +49 5242 9454-13 / -17

BlachReport/AktivMedia GmbH, FAMAB Kommunikationsverband e. V., Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe GmbH, Studieninstitut für Kommunikation GmbH

Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe GmbH, Strobelallee 45, 44139 Dortmund, Germany

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