Start WP - Pressefächer plan-j GmbH Goodbye Pitch – plan-j with a new workshop concept at EuroShop 2017

Goodbye Pitch – plan-j with a new workshop concept at EuroShop 2017


Skizzen-EuroShop_webplan-j will once again have its own trade-fair stand at the EuroShop Düsseldorf. Visitors will be able to experience the wide-ranging services of the Frankfurt-based full-service Marketing Agency for Architecture and Live-Marketing in practice at the leading global retail trade-fair from the 5th to the 9th of March 2017. The theme behind the plan-j trade-fair experience this year is the new and innovative workshop approach that focuses on the joint generation and development of ideas.

Instead of a traditional pitch, clients and the marketing agency sit-down together at one table in order to be able to better communicate and coordinate goals and processes. Several specialists with their own core areas then bring these ideas and solution approaches together and visualize these with the help of various media and materials. This approach is not only aimed at ensuring that goals are more clearly formulated and ambiguities more effectively eliminated – with the workshop approach, the way that plan j will present itself at the trade fair will furthermore reflect the innovative facets of this year’s EuroShop motto “Trade in new Dimensions ”.

In order to visually present and bring together ideas and approaches, there are several wall surfaces distributed around the trade-fair stand that can be used to illustrate notes, as well as give short presentations and show videos. In this way, the plan-j trade-fair stand at EuroShop 2017 will become part of collaborative idea factory for visitors, clients and marketing agency staff – staying true to the adjectives used: interactive, collaborative, simple, incomplete and perceptible.

Just like at EuroShop 2014, the “red thread” is the central element in terms of content and design of the plan-j trade-fair experience. On the basis of the new workshop concept, countless points are covered and connected, gaps are condensed and spaces are filled with an intriguing lightness. In this way, a multi-layered network is created in which both the creative design process between the client and the marketing agency, as well as the close interconnection of the core competencies that plan-j has to offer are symbolized.

Captions: Sketches for EuroShop 2017, Joe Kinze from plan-j, Timo Joél from plan-j (Photos: plan-j, free to publish)

plan-j® GmbH
plan-j is an internally active and owner-run full-service marketing agency for architecture and live marketing based in Frankfurt – founded in 2001 by the architect Timo Joél. The company’s service portfolio consists of the design and realization of temporary structures, trade-fair presentations and marketing events. In order to describe this, plan-j has coined the phrase architecturevents, which entails an expedient combination of temporary architecture with corporate hospitality and communication design. Among plan-j’s list of clients are renowned companies such as Copco, Daimler, Ferrari, Liebherr, Lufthansa, PWC and SAP.

plan-j® GmbH
kleyerstraße 46-48
60326 frankfurt
t_         +49_69_900 217 59-0
f_         +49_69_900 217 59-29
Contact partner Conny Lobert

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