Start Marketing Last chance for BrandEx early bird tickets

Last chance for BrandEx early bird tickets


Logo_BrandEx_webPre-sales for BrandEx tickets end on 30 November

This is your last chance: the deadline for the purchase of early bird tickets for the International Festival of Brand Experience (BrandEx) is 30 November.  You can save 10 per cent compared to the normal ticket price. Festival tickets are available for all parts of the event, including the congress, the BrandEx awards ceremony, the after-show party and free entry to the BOE trade show. In addition, the Awards & Party ticket, the Party ticket by itself and the entrance tickets for students and trainees are available at the early bird rate up to and including 30 November.

The International Festival of Brand Experience (BrandEx) launches an exclusive forum for live communication in Dortmund on 15 January. BrandEx is set to become an exclusive talk and performance platform for an entire industry, mobilising event managers and creatives, PR and communication specialists, advertisers, marketeers, scholars, service providers and bright young talents from the trade show, architecture and live communication sectors – nationally and internationally. BrandEx consists of a congress plus the BrandEx Awards ceremony which recognises the year’s best projects in the areas of live marketing and brand architecture.

Tickets for the festival and the awards ceremony can be purchased via the website

Caption: Logo of the International Festival of Brand Experience (Illustration: BrandEx)

International Festival of Brand Experience
With the International Festival of Brand Experience (BrandEx), the initiators BlachReport, Messe Dortmund, FAMAB and Studieninstitut für Kommunikation are creating an exclusive platform for event managers and creatives, PR and communication specialists, advertisers, marketeers, scholars, service providers and bright young talents from the trade fair industry, architecture and live communication – nationally and internationally. BrandEx consists of a congress plus the BrandEx Awards ceremony which recognises the year’s best projects in the areas of live marketing and brand architecture.

International Festival of Brand Experience
Contact: Karin Ruppert
Phone: +49 151 43815673

BlachReport, FAMAB Kommunikationsverband e.V., Messe Westfalenhallen Dortmund GmbH, Studieninstitut für Kommunikation GmbH

Messe Westfalenhallen Dortmund GmbH
Strobelallee 45
44139 Dortmund

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