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International Festival of Brand Experience


Logo_BrandExThe theme of BrandEx 2020 is ‘02 | Passion’

With the first edition of the International Festival of Brand Experience (BrandEx) in January 2019, the initiators – BlachReport, FAMAB Kommunikationsverband, Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe GmbH und Studieninstitut für Kommunikation – succeeded brilliantly in the first step towards creating a trailblazing talk and performance forum for the live marketing industry. The premiere, under the motto ‘01 | Die Begegnung’ had already indicated that the first encounter with BrandEx would be followed by many more. The motto for the next BrandEx Festival on 14 January 2020 has now been established: ‘02 | Passion’.

Passion is a strong emotion that mesmerises and enthrals people. It transforms trade show stands into fantasy landscapes, turns events into lasting memories and meetings into genuine encounters. What drives passion? How is it aroused? Where can you find it? And what do we feel passionate about? You’ll find the answers at the International Festival of Brand Experience 2020, where ‘Passion’ will be the central theme.

For the second International Festival of Brand Experience, the initiators are now calling for entries on the topic of ‘Passion’. For this purpose, the BrandEx Programme and Content Group has prepared a clearly structured form, which is available on the website Proposals designating the content and a brief summary of the entry can be submitted until 15 August 2019 via the e-mail address

The BrandEx Awards are also gearing up for the next round. There were more than 120 entries for the international creative competition for experience marketing and 48 award winners in 2019. To encourage even more participants to compete for the awards in 2020, the submission procedure will be simplified and entry will be affordable. Through a two-step process, even small start-ups should have the opportunity to submit their projects. The submitters invest little money and work at the beginning and only if they can use the participation also for advertising purposes, higher costs and more expenditure become due. The competition documents and all other information are likewise available on the website at

Katharina Rogge and Melina Volmar will be responsible for the project management for BrandEx 2020. Karin Ruppert, the project manager for the initial event, will support Ms. Rogge and Ms. Volmar as a coach and advisor.

The International Festival of Brand Experience will be followed directly by BOE, the leading trade show for event marketing, on 15-16 January 2020 at the Dortmund fairgrounds.

Caption: Logo of the International Festival of Brand Experience (Illustration: BrandEx)

International Festival of Brand Experience
With the International Festival of Brand Experience (BrandEx), the initiators BlachReport, FAMAB Kommunikationsverband, Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe and Studieninstitut für Kommunikation jointly developed an exclusive domestic and international platform for event managers and creatives, PR and communication specialists, advertisers, marketeers, scholars, service providers and bright young talents from the trade show industry, architecture and live communication. BrandEx consists of a congress plus the BrandEx Awards ceremony which recognises the year’s best projects in the areas of live marketing and brand architecture.

April 2019 / International Festival of Brand Experience

Contact: Katharina Rogge + Melina Volmar
Phone: +49 5242 9454-13 / -17

BlachReport/AktivMedia GmbH, FAMAB Kommunikationsverband e.V., Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe GmbH, Studieninstitut für Kommunikation GmbH

Westfalenhallen Unternehmensgruppe GmbH, Strobelallee 45, 44139 Dortmund

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