Start WP - Pressefächer Movecat World-famous festival supplied with innovative equipment from Germany

World-famous festival supplied with innovative equipment from Germany


oedipe-2019-c-sf-monika-rittershaus_webKinetic equipment from Movecat for the Salzburg Festival

On the 20th July, this year’s Salzburg Festival got underway. The experts from Movecat in Nufringen (Baden-Württemberg) are providing the kinetic systems for the world’s most important festival of classical music and the performing arts. „It is for us a great honour“ comments Movecat CEO Andrew Abele „to be contributing this year to the success of this world-renowned festival.“

For this year’s Salzburg Festival, twenty VMK-S 500 and a further ten D8+ 500 chain hoists from Movecat are being used to move Plexiglas columns weighing up to 90 kilograms. These are shifted vertically and in some cases placed at an angle. The total weight of the scenery suspended in the rig comes to around seven metric tons. The considerable challenge of programming the scene changes for the world premiere of Oedipus was met using Movecat equipment. Between the 11th and the 24th of August, there have been four performances of this magnificent opera. The festival itself runs until the 31st August.

Movecat’s kinetic solutions, such as its chain hoists, winches, drives, controllers, cable systems and special solutions, are synonymous with maximum safety and functionality. These innovative products from Germany are designed and manufactured at all times in strict compliance with the safety principles, standards and guidelines in force governing the technology. Movecat has recently won a number of national and international awards for developing groundbreaking new products.

The Salzburg Festival is regarded as the most important festival of classical music and the performing arts in the international calendar. It has been held in Salzburg every summer since 1920 in July and August. The perennial highlights of the festival include „Jedermann“,  Hofmannsthal’s play about the death of a rich man, which is traditionally performed outside in the cathedral square, outstanding performances of the works of Mozart and Strauss, and a varied programme of plays, operas and concerts featuring outstanding performers from all over the world. The 200 plus events staged each year in the course of the six-week festival are attended by over 250,000 spectators.

Caption: Movecat sets the Salzburg Festival in motion (Photo: Monika Rittershaus)

Movecat GmbH
Movecat is currently the only manufacturer of kinetic equipment for the stage anywhere in the world capable of offering practice-tested, certified and genuinely available integrated systems compliant with BGV C1 and SIL3 – these consisting of chain hoists, trolleys, band hoists, winches, turntables, load-measurement systems and networks. The company was founded in 1986 by Andrew and Thomas Abele. The products are developed and manufactured in Germany. Movecat’s kinetic solutions are used in high profile shows, tours and TV productions not only in Germany but throughout the world. The company has garnered a host of distinctions in recent years including the TOP 100 Prize, the German Design Award, the P.I.P.A. Award, the Industry Prize and the VR Prize for Innovation.

Movecat GmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 21
71154 Nufringen
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 37117 33
Contact: Florian Pfeiffer

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