Start WP - Pressefächer Movecat Movecat has decided against participating in Prolight + Sound 2020

Movecat has decided against participating in Prolight + Sound 2020


Oliver_Nachbauer_webMovecat from Nufringen near Stuttgart, one of the world’s leading developers and manufacturers in the field of stage kinetics, has cancelled its participation in this year’s Prolight + Sound in response to the significantly worsened situation regarding the spread of the Covid-19 virus. „We cannot and will not expose our employees or trade fair visitors to unnecessary risks of contracting this infectious disease“, says Movecat Managing Director Oliver Nachbauer. „The decision was very difficult for us because we have been meeting our customers at Prolight + Sound for many years and were able to show them the latest equipment“.

However, Movecat wants to present its new products at an in-house exhibition on May 7, 2020. A professional programme with additional activities are planned on the company’s own premises in Nufringen, providing the opportunity to get to know all the new equipment in detail and to exchange ideas with the developers. The schedule for the Movecat Open House will be announced soon.

Caption: Oliver Nachbauer (Photo: Movecat)

Movecat GmbH
Movecat is currently the only manufacturer of kinetic equipment for the stage anywhere in the world capable of offering practice-tested, certified and genuinely available integrated systems compliant with BGV C1 and SIL3 – these consisting of chain hoists, trolleys, band hoists, winches, turntables, load-measurement systems and networks. The company was founded in 1986 by Andrew and Thomas Abele. The products are developed and manufactured in Germany. Movecat’s kinetic solutions are used in high profile shows, tours and TV productions not only in Germany but throughout the world. The company has garnered a host of distinctions in recent years including the TOP 100 Prize, the German Design Award, the P.I.P.A. Award, the Industry Prize and the VR Prize for Innovation.

Movecat GmbH
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 21
D-71154 Nufringen
Contact partner: Oliver Nachbauer
Telephone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 37117-0

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