Start WP - Pressefächer Movecat Movecat spring-loaded cable drum

Movecat spring-loaded cable drum


FederleitungstrommelwebThe Movecat FLT series meets the need for a mobile, dynamic cable feed for moving elements in the entertainment sector. The first series offers six load circuits with up to 16A and two DMX/AES/EBU circuits. The drums can therefore be put to various uses such as 6 x dimmer circuits with 2 x DMX for luminaires, 6 x loudspeaker circuits with 2 x audio frequency circuits for line arrays or even 2 x 16A CEE with 2 x DMX/AES/EBU for moving light systems or active line arrays.

They are available with coil lengths from 9 to 24 metres and with an extensive range of accessories such as mounting frames to provide rigging options from trusses in numerous installation positions, cable feed modules, cases, etc.

Caption: Movecat spring-loaded cable drum (Photo: Think Abele)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 23
71154 Nufringen, Germany
Contact: Andrew Abele
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0

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