Start Marketing BrandEx Fresh Award 2018

BrandEx Fresh Award 2018


BrandEx-FRESH-AwardwebWhat does sustainability actually mean in live communication?

Ethletic – Sneakers from nature with love and a smile

Events can be referred to in number of ways: congress, festival, exhibition, conference. But what it boils down to is just one thing: a meeting. People meeting people. Even though, or perhaps because, the world is becoming an increasingly digitalised place, many young people are hungry for personal meetings. And they also want to design and shape meetings.

This is why the International Festival of Brand Experience (BrandEx), which takes place in Dortmund for the first time on 15 January 2019, is aimed not only at a specialist audience from the exhibition, architecture and live communication business, but also and very specifically at creative young professionals.

Alongside a special programme for an interested young audience, the Festival is also presenting the BrandEx Fresh Award for the first time. The result of an amalgamation of the FAMAB NEW TALENT AWARD and the INA Award, the BrandEx Fresh Award has the potential to become the industry’s most important award for young talents in Germany and thus an absolute career booster. The Award assignment? A realistic brief for a sustainable start-up company that is looking for a cross-channel live campaign.

Sustainability has become an important element of live communication. The organisers consider this „extremely fresh“ and in the assignment definition have also chosen a brief provider that internalises and actively lives out this credo: ETHLETIC.
ETHLETIC is the young, ambitious sneaker brand of Fair Deal Trading GmbH, which produces footwear made of Fairtrade organic cotton in a fair and sustainable way.

ETHLETIC stands for maximum social and ecological responsibility. All of the brand’s shoes are 100% vegan and are produced in a workshop in Pakistan under fair working conditions. ETHLETIC is committed to a welfare society beyond the requirements of Fairtrade which ensures that a significant percentage of the purchase price goes towards the workers‘ welfare associations of the production companies.

For bright young talents, this means it’s time for the professional brief that will take them to the next level of their career! Under #brandexfresh, they will be offered regular support with „fresh tips“ on the brief, award and the business.

BrandEx Fresh is aimed exclusively at creative young talents in live communication and is divided into three groups: Students, Juniors and Freelancers. Best Fresh Students is the category for all students interested in brand experiences. Anyone with a passion for event communication, brand architecture and brand events is welcome to put their creative and conceptual talent to the test in this category.

The category for young professionals in communications agencies and marketing departments is called Best Fresh Juniors. To qualify for this category, applicants should be in permanent employment but have no more than two years‘ professional experience. Both „Students“ and „Juniors“ can enter the BrandEx Fresh Award either on their own or in a team of up to five participants.

Best Fresh Freelancer is the category for independent „one-man/one-woman shows“ working for trade fairs, brand architecture and brand events. They should have been self-employed for no longer than two years at the time of participation.

Based on a set of tasks defined by ETHLETIC, BrandEx Fresh participants will develop a cross-channel live campaign for a real-world brand. The jury will judge submissions according to concept creation (35%), concept implementation (35%) and presentation (30%). Submissions should also include an unedited video which is no more than 60 seconds long to present the creative idea. The maximum age of BrandEx Fresh participants is 30.

Participation in BrandEx Fresh is free of charge. The deadline for submissions is 11 November 2018.

Picture BrandEx FRESH Award: Shine with a prize!
Picture ethletic2018_Keyvisual: Ethletic – Sneakers from nature with love and a smile

International Festival of Brand Experience  
With the International Festival of Brand Experience (BrandEx), the initiators BlachReport, Messe Dortmund, FAMAB and Studieninstitut für Kommunikation are creating an exclusive platform for event managers and creatives, PR and communication specialists, advertisers, marketeers, scholars, service providers and bright young talents from the trade fair industry, architecture and live communication – nationally and internationally. BrandEx consists of a congress plus the BrandEx Awards ceremony which recognises the year’s best projects from the areas of live marketing and brand architecture.

International Festival of Brand Experience
Contact: Karin Ruppert
Tel.:     +49 151 43815673

BlachReport, FAMAB Kommunikationsverband e.V., Messe Westfalenhallen Dortmund GmbH, Studieninstitut für Kommunikation GmbH

Messe Westfalenhallen Dortmund GmbH, Strobelallee 45, 44139 Dortmund

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