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X²: „Movecat squared“ enhances operational safety at no extra expense


ElektronikmodulwebMovecat has made a further contribution to the operational safety of its D8 and D8 Plus chain hoists. This has been made possible by the integration of a new electronic module for the independent evaluation of a two-level gear-limit switch for directly controlled 3-phase 400 V hoists. This sensible new feature is denoted by the addition of the exponent ‚2‘ to the model name.

The familiar CEE 4-pin plug-in connector is retained for the purpose and no additional external control lead or controller integration is required. The evaluation is implemented via two so-called „operation limit monitors“ – i.e. internally adjustable limit switches for the operations ‚Raise‘ and ‚Lower‘. This new feature represents an enormous contribution to operational safety especially in difficult installation positions where visibility is limited but also in fixed installations.

Among the practical features are the simplification of the adjustment procedure and function display of the hoists and the implementation of the TLI (‚traffic light‘) principle that has proved so effective with Movecat’s V series. It involves the integration of red, amber and green status LEDs to the limit switch and electronics module to indicate the current operating status.

The developers have also enhanced the electronics of the “X²” models with a circuit for the targeted individual checking of the brakes of the D8 Plus chain hoists in accordance with BGG 912. This product update is available now.

Caption: New electronic module for Movecat D8 Plus chain hoist (Photo: Think Abele, may be reproduced freely provided source is named)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Strasse 23
71154 Nufringen, Germany.
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0
Contact: Andrew Abele

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