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Berlin’s CityCube convinces with Movecat and enormous flexibility


CityCubeBerlin_webNew events, trade fair and convention centre opens in the German capital

Twenty-two months in the construction, Berlin’s CityCube – the German capital’s latest events, trade fair and congress venue – opened at the beginning of May. “The CityCube gives fresh impetus to Berlin’s ongoing development as an international trade fair and convention destination,” said the city’s mayor, Klaus Wowereit, during the opening ceremony.

“With the CityCube Berlin,” adds Messe Berlin CEO Dr Christian Göke, “we are now in a position to realize events of all sizes. This is made possible by the enormous flexibility of the building.”

A significant contribution to this is made by the lavish array of kinetic equipment from Movecat. In the CityCube Berlin, no fewer than fifty-two Movecat PLUSlite D8 Plus hoists are available, supported by Movecat MPC 8ED8-FI motor controllers and MRC 8ED8 manual remote units for the control of eight drives each.

Of decisive importance to the decision in favour of Movecat equipment were the stringent requirements concerning flexibility, performance, safety and economic efficiency set out in the tender. In close cooperation with the clients and technicians of CityCube, an integral solution perfectly tailored to the requirements could be developed which, thanks to its modular structure, can be expanded at any time.

CityCube Berlin is immediately adjacent to the South Entrance to Berlin’s ExpoCenter City, which is near the Radio Tower. With two main floors, a flexible system of partitions for the creation of up to eight events halls with capacities ranging from 400 to 3,000 participants, a bright, twelve-metre-high, column-free hall for large events and exhibitions on the upper floor and a variety of meeting rooms for between 50 to 300 guests each, plus the trade fairground nearby, the ideal conditions are in place for the hosting of events, conventions and trade fairs. In fact, CityCube Berlin is capable of hosting events with up to 11,000 participants.

The first events staged in the CityCube Berlin were the Federal Congress of German Trade Unions (DGB) followed by the World Congress of International Trade Unions (ITUC) – both of which were implemented with the help of Movecat equipment.

Caption: CityCube Berlin (Photo: Messe Berlin, may be reproduced freely provided source is named)

Think Abele GmbH & Co. KG
Rudolf-Diesel-Straße 23
D-71154 Nufringen, Germany
Contact: Andrew Abele
Phone: +49 (0) 70 32 / 98 51-0

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